Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

Alvar's Voyage

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

1544-Troubles in Los Reyes

The overview of this year goes as follows. My men have come down with all different kinds of “Jungle Fever”, and are dropping quicker than flies. I figure if I brought a smaller crew, this may have been successful. I am not exactly sure what to do, and the swarms of disgusting mosquitoes we have encountered are not helping with my thought process. I believe the best bet is to return back further down the river to Asuncion, but then I will feel I have failed, and I will be ashamed. However, I did decide to head back to Asuncion, and to make the matter even worse, and more humiliating, the Guaxarapos tribes (the natives) were constantly attacking our ships, and killing even more of my men, as if the fevers were not enough. On April 8th we made it back to Asuncion after a hard journey.

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