Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

Alvar's Voyage

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

1544-His Return

I have returned back to Asuncion, and things are not as I have left them. Irala has gone against me, and has formed many rival political forces, and they are forming a resistance to my rules. Thanks to my new rival Irala, I was placed in jail shortly after returning by his rival political forces, and this is simply humiliating me along with the fact that I had only made it as far as Irala, and managed to kill many of my own men. The main reason these villains threw me into jail was because they believed I am a, “bullying tyrant” and they have also made a list of crimes I am sure I have not committed. I do not believe one bit I am even close to a tyrant, as I tried to maintain peace between us and the Native Americans, and I strived to make our colony flourish. Irala of course would know nothing of peace, as he believed my native friends were violent and simply savages!

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